
Yesterday we held the audtions to cast the positions in our opening. We set up three camera's, this is so we could do a mock up of the shot reverse shot we plan to do in our final piece. We audtioned 4 people and gave them several takes to do, each time asking them to act slightly differently. This way we could see which way had more impact. I think when we ask them to both be really agressive it worked very well.
We then got together as a group and decided who we would like to use.

I think the audtion process went very well and we worked well to make the best decisions we could.

Animatic Storyboard Final

This is the final copy our animatic storyboard, it is narrated by me and one other member of the group. We improvised what we said and just explained what was happening in each shot.

Script Writing

We had a deadline to complete the final copy of the script for our opening. We sat down as a group and discussed which characters we would need and what they would say, if anything. We then wrote down a brief copy of the script on paper. As seen below:

I then went away with another member of the group, Lauren, and we worked on an intermediate copy of the script. We started to word process it and put it into more of the format of a script. We then printed out what we had done, and got it checked by several people to check for spelling mistakes and improvments that could be made. Here is the intermediate copy:

After correcting these mistakes, and making any improvments that were suggested, we could then complete the final copy of the script. This is it:

Final Script

Similar Media Works Presentation

For the siminlar media works presentation we divided the group up and we each completed a list of slides for the final presentation. I done slides on the following:
Target audience
Typical Mise en-Scene
Mise en-Scene of one horror film

Here are my slides.

For the research of this project, I looked on several websites such as IMBD and wikipedia. I also watched a selection of horror film clips to compare mise-en scene.

You can see the full Similar Media Works presentation on our group blog here :