Research into Setting etc.

I done some research into the setting of our project. I went on to the internet to search for relevant images that could help us with setting our film.

First of all I looked at pictures of an empty swing and found the following:

I chose this image as it shows the swing still in motion, I thought this was good as it would make it look like the action was all of a sudden and unexpected. I think making a clip similar to this for our project would work well as the idea would fit.

I also liked the lighting in this image, as it is quite dull, there are no real bright colours as such. This would also work well for our project as we will be trying to make it look eerie and suspicious.

I then found this image. I selected it because I think it shows a similar surrounding to what we will try to acheive in the filming of our project.

It shows a swing set in a forest surrounding, it is very desolate and isolated from anything else. This will help to show the character is helpless if we used a scene like this.

The lighting in the clip is very light and sunny, as we want our scene to look quite suspicious we could film in the evening to solve this problem.

I thought if I looked at pictures of nurses and doctors, it would help us to choose the cast more appropriatly. By this I mean we can see what a typical nurse and a typical looks like.

It can also help us to choose relevant costumes for our cast, so it looks as authentic as possible.

I found these two pictures which show a letter with the 'CONFIDENTIAL' stamp and a 'PRIVATE' stamp. I looked at these images as in our film we will show documents with some kind of private or confidential stamp on them. Looking at these images will help to find the most effective way of showinig that the documents are confidentail.


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