Audience Feedback

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

Question 5

Question 4

Question 3


Question 3

Question 2

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

The Institute Final Edit

This is our final edit.

Second Edit

This edit has bought us very close to the final opening but there are still some small changes that need to be made to perfectect the edit. This includes things such as changing the staff room scene having the audio changed to 'she's gone' from 'he's gone' as we changed our killer to a female.

Preliminary Edit of Final Piece

This is the first edit we completed of our opening that uses all the scenes in the correct places. There are still many changes to be made but overall everything is in the right place and the scenes work well together

Filming Day 3

Day three of filming was for the park scenes which included the forensic scene for the news report and the psycho scene with the female character.

We all arrived on time at the chosen location which was Little Waltham Park, and began to set up. To ensure that the public had no confusion as to what was happening we put up signs saying that we were filming for our Media AS coursework. This was due to us creating a crime scene and we did not want to confuse any passers by. This worked well as we had no public interference and were able to get on with our filming.

We set up the mise-en scene well and created a good setting to film in. We set up the crime scene using police line tape, and evidence numbers, we also had a forensic scientist costume which worked very well and recreate a realistic scene.

The acting in the female characters scene was very good and we were able to get these shots done fairly quick as the actors behaved very professionally.

We got lots of very good and interesting shots and angles, we achieved this by setting up the cameras in different way, such as laying on the floor and filming. We also tried ruining and filming but we did not like this as it looked to wobbly.

Overall the filming went very well and we all worked efficiently and quickly and I feel we achieved a lot during this shoot.

Police line tape we used for mise en scene

Setting up props and costumes

Preparing to film

Filming Day 2

Today we filmed the couples argument scene and it went incredibly well. We arrived at the location and set up the cameras and props ready for our actors to begin. This was all done very quickly so we could get started as soon as possible.

Once we had begun, the filming its self went very well. The actors worked professionally and did not mess around, they knew their lines so we could get straight to it.

There were many positive points to today's filming, I feel we captured all the shots to a good standard and framed them well. The mise-en scene in our location was very good and the props were appropriate. We took a few takes so we could choose the best clips for our final edit and there was not many problems.

The only problem was the positioning of the camera's. As we were filming in quite a small location it was difficult to get all three cameras and tripods set up without them being visible in the frame. We over came this by moving them around until they were in the best position possible for filming.

Overall I feel today's filming went very well and we will start work on editing the scene tomorrow.

Preparing for filming.

Filming the door scene.

Filming Day 1

On Monday we filmed part of our opening for the first time, this scene was the staffroom scene. We had previously arranged to use the school staffroom but as we were not able to use it we compromised and used a study room, but rearranged it to make it look like a staffroom. We had very good mise-en scene and the final product replicated a hospital staff room very well. We used props such as medical posters and books, coffee mugs, a notice board and medical props such as sanitiser. I feel we overcame the problem very well.

Another problem we had was one of our actors arriving quite late, we overcame this by working harder after they arrived. We got the filming for this scene in done in less than an hour and we planned the time very well. We went in before the actors were arriving to set up the scene to the best ability and so we were ready to film straight away.

Overall I think the filming went very well and was very efficient. We created a very good scene and the actors delivered their lines very well. I think once edited this scene will work well with the rest of the opening.

These are some of the props we used.

Setting up the props.

Preparing for filming.


Another matter to consider before filming was use of props. We would have to make good use of props during our filming to create good mise-en scene.

I believe that the most important props will be the ones which make the scene look authentic. Such as the hospital staffroom scene. We will use props such as medical books, medical posters, coffee mugs and medical products such as hand gel. This will create a setting which well replicates a real staffroom in a hospital.

During the couples argument scene important props will include a handbag and a purse. This will be used when the female character is saying 'I know I had it in here this morning' . She will be looking through her bag and purse to find her money. This will allow the audience to clearly see what is happening.

Other important props will include 'Do Not Cross' caution tape, and number cards for the crime scene, these props are part of the mise-en scene for this shot and will give a clear indication to the audience of what is happening.

List of all props:

Scene 1
• Crime Scene: Do Not Cross tape
• Numbers on sheets of folded, laminated card

Scene 2
• Purse
• Bag

Scene 3
• Coffee cups
• Paperwork
• Posters on nursing, mental health etc.
• Medical books
• Files and folders, patients records
• Hand sanitizer
• Table
• Two chairs

This was the contribution and ideas I suggested to the group, to see what we as a group finally decided, checked the group blog here:


Before we could begin filming our final piece we also had to consider the different options for costumes for our characters. This was important because the costumes can connote many things to the audience.

I believed that the protagonist should be clothed in pale and natural coloured clothing to connote innocence and purity, with little make up and a very natural look to connote youth and naivety.

For the antagonist I thought they should be wearing something of a deep red colour to connote danger, blood or death, this would give the audience a feel for what is to come. I also thought the clothing should all be very dark so the character is looking mysterious and eery.

There was an obvious choice of costume for the staffroom scene because it is shot in a staffroom at a hospital and the characters are nurses and doctors so would be costumed appropriately to suit this role.

The male character in the couple should be dressed neutrally, as his connotations are not as important as the other characters. He should just be dressed like an average young man.

This is how I contributed to the group effort, to see the full and final list of costumes visit the group blog here:

Audition Videos

Tayo and Kirst Audtion 1

Jenny and Matt Audition 1

Jenny and Tayo Audition

Kirst and Matt Audition

Location Scouting

Before we could film we had to consider the different options for the location of the different scenes. We had a group discussion and I made several contributions and ideas including ideas about where the park/woods scene should be. I thought it would be good to film it in a park near by, but as a group we decided it would be best to pick a different location as the mise-en scene was much better in that there were more tree's and a better swing for the swing scene, I agreed with this decision. This is the location we decided on. It is in Little Waltham Park.

For the couples argument scene we chose a nearby house of a friend. The chosen location is well suited as the mise-en scene replicates that of an average couples house, which would have a normal couple living in it. This natural and homely environment emphasises the contrast with the dark side to the story. I thought this location would work very well and contribute well to our opening.

These are my contributions to the ideas regarding the location of our film, to see what we finally decided upon check our grop blog here:

Target Audience Profile

Before we could begin filming our opening, we had to consider the target audience. This is so we knew who our target was and could meet their expectations. To do this we created a survey to ask a range of people from the target population.

This was a group task but everyone had individual input. I made suggestions on possible questions that could be included in the questionaire to maximise the information we could gather.

I believed that the majority of our target audience would be from young (around late teens)to middle age. This is because psychological thrillers are more in depth and would appear less appealing to a younger audeince of young teens.

We took our survey out on 6 people, 3 male and 3 female. The majority of these participants believed horror films are watched mainly by 18 - 25 year olds. We will have to take this into consideration and ensure our film appeals to this group. We also found that the majority of our participants did watch horror films, this means we know there is a deffinate market for our film.