Filming Day 2

Today we filmed the couples argument scene and it went incredibly well. We arrived at the location and set up the cameras and props ready for our actors to begin. This was all done very quickly so we could get started as soon as possible.

Once we had begun, the filming its self went very well. The actors worked professionally and did not mess around, they knew their lines so we could get straight to it.

There were many positive points to today's filming, I feel we captured all the shots to a good standard and framed them well. The mise-en scene in our location was very good and the props were appropriate. We took a few takes so we could choose the best clips for our final edit and there was not many problems.

The only problem was the positioning of the camera's. As we were filming in quite a small location it was difficult to get all three cameras and tripods set up without them being visible in the frame. We over came this by moving them around until they were in the best position possible for filming.

Overall I feel today's filming went very well and we will start work on editing the scene tomorrow.

Preparing for filming.

Filming the door scene.


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