
Another matter to consider before filming was use of props. We would have to make good use of props during our filming to create good mise-en scene.

I believe that the most important props will be the ones which make the scene look authentic. Such as the hospital staffroom scene. We will use props such as medical books, medical posters, coffee mugs and medical products such as hand gel. This will create a setting which well replicates a real staffroom in a hospital.

During the couples argument scene important props will include a handbag and a purse. This will be used when the female character is saying 'I know I had it in here this morning' . She will be looking through her bag and purse to find her money. This will allow the audience to clearly see what is happening.

Other important props will include 'Do Not Cross' caution tape, and number cards for the crime scene, these props are part of the mise-en scene for this shot and will give a clear indication to the audience of what is happening.

List of all props:

Scene 1
• Crime Scene: Do Not Cross tape
• Numbers on sheets of folded, laminated card

Scene 2
• Purse
• Bag

Scene 3
• Coffee cups
• Paperwork
• Posters on nursing, mental health etc.
• Medical books
• Files and folders, patients records
• Hand sanitizer
• Table
• Two chairs

This was the contribution and ideas I suggested to the group, to see what we as a group finally decided, checked the group blog here:


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