Target Audience Profile

Before we could begin filming our opening, we had to consider the target audience. This is so we knew who our target was and could meet their expectations. To do this we created a survey to ask a range of people from the target population.

This was a group task but everyone had individual input. I made suggestions on possible questions that could be included in the questionaire to maximise the information we could gather.

I believed that the majority of our target audience would be from young (around late teens)to middle age. This is because psychological thrillers are more in depth and would appear less appealing to a younger audeince of young teens.

We took our survey out on 6 people, 3 male and 3 female. The majority of these participants believed horror films are watched mainly by 18 - 25 year olds. We will have to take this into consideration and ensure our film appeals to this group. We also found that the majority of our participants did watch horror films, this means we know there is a deffinate market for our film.


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