Similar Media Works Presentation Research

As a group we decided that we would split the presentation into sections, and then we could individualy research and present those sections. I have done some research on target audeince of horror films and I wrote the following for the presentation:

Usually the target audience for mainstream horror is people aged 16 – 24. This is mainly due to the fact the most horror films are certificate 15 or 18. They are certified this way because the content of these films often contain explicit content and scenes that could disturb younger viewers. Another reason for this targeted age group is that film production companies will often advertise using adverts in teen magazines and music channels, which are also aimed at people of ages between 16 – 24. More related to psychological thrillers, the age range of audience would tend to be slightly older. This is because the plot and story lines are often a lot more intricate and complicated, and therefore require more knowledge and concentration.

With concern to gender, horror films are stereotyped to be aimed at men, this is because of the idea that men will feel more manly after watching a horror film. However, more recently the audience has spread more out to females as well. This shows both men and women both enjoy watching horror films for the adrenaline rush that comes with watching one.


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